
When to Hire Tree Trimming Palm Springs

Having plenty of trees around your home in desert city Palm Springs is one way to keep your areas cool and shaded. But when trees and their branches grow, you might need to look for tree trimming Palm Springs.

When to Hire Tree Trimming Palm Springs

If They Pose a hazard

If a branch is unhealthy or at risk of falling on someone or something, you should have it trimmed before it becomes a major accident.

Cause damage or injuries

Is a branch about to snag a utility line or hanging by a thread? Don’t wait for it to cause damage to your property or injure you or someone else.

In the way of the garage or other areas of the house

There are instances when a tree limb or branch is growing downwards instead of up. If left unattended, it could break through the roof of a garage and cause structural damage. Between the cost of hiring tree trimming Palm Springs and structural repair, the former is likely to be cheaper.

What is great about hiring a professional tree trimmer is that they not only remove branches, but also trim them in such a way that they grow in the right direction. This would prove advantageous if you want to preserve both the trees and your property. Consider hiring eLandscaping today!


The Right Time to Consider Hiring Tree Removal Palm Springs

Regardless of the reason you want a tree removed, you must hire a professional to do the job. Even if a tree doesn’t pose a safety risk, you shouldn’t risk it. A small branch can land on the roof or on top of your car after it is cut. Find a professional service for tree removal Palm Springs.

To avoid accidents of any kind, small or otherwise, hire professional tree removal Palm Springs. Think of a tree as an asset while it’s still standing, but a liability when you want it removed.

When to hire Tree Removal Palm Springs


When a tree is unwanted

Do you need to clear a path for a home extension or a deck? You can have a tree removed to give way for any construction work. The same thing is true when a tree seems out of place, or doesn’t really fit the theme that you’re going for. Whichever is the case, if you no longer want a tree, hire professionals to have it removed without a hitch.

When a tree is unhealthy 

The moment a tree shows signs of disease, or dies because of natural disaster or other reasons, you should have it removed before anything bad happens. Leaving it upright when only a ‘thread’ is keeping it in place can pose a risk to you, your property and your neighbors.

When a tree can cause damage

Is a tree leaning in the wrong direction? Are branches cutting through the side of the roof or hitting the roof gutter? Is the tree about to snag utility lines? Regardless of how beautiful and healthy it looks, call in professional tree removal Palm Springs to have it cut down. Don’t wait for it to cause damage or injuries.

To hire a professional tree removal specialist, know what to look for

  • Updated certificate of insurance and work contract
  • Company or employee credentials
  • Detailed estimate or quote
  • Estimated time the project will take to complete
  • Equipment to use
  • Safety measures in place
  • List of references

Make sure to schedule an interview to get a feel for the company, and that they maintain a level of professionalism that reflects how they approach every tree removal job. There’s also one way to determine if you’d feel comfortable working with an arborist, which is important if you have many questions in mind. A good tree removal specialist will make time to answer your concerns, and assure you that the work will go smoothly.

Also, they won’t think twice about providing you with a list of satisfied customers that can help validate the level and quality of work they provide. What better way to convince you to hire them than through recommendations from previous clients? Be sure to ask for references, and take time to ask them questions as well.

Ready to hire tree removal Palm Springs?

Talk to eLandscaping today. The most trusted provider of tree removal, tree trimming and landscaping services. They proudly service Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Palm Desert, Ranch Mirage, La Quinta, Indian Wells, Hot Springs, and Indio.

tree removal, xeriscaping

6 Great Ideas for Landscaping Palm Springs

As a desert resort city, it may be hard to imagine Palm Springs to be green and colorful, with plenty of grass and flowers. In reality, it really is a desert, with dry sand that stretches for miles, rocks and the occasional tumbleweed. But with the right ideas of landscaping Palm Springs, the place can look quite heavenly.

Of course, if you want to retain that desert appearance, but with a few enhancements, that can be done as well. All it takes is the right idea and a professional landscaping team to get the job done.


Great ideas for Landscaping Palm Springs

  1. Lawn Free

Instead of the usual green turf, expose the beauty of gravel and sand and use it to your advantage. Add drought-tolerant grasses and young trees, and your front or back yard can look like a desert that is teeming with life. Designate areas for paving, especially the part beside the front door, to provide clear pathways.

  1. Hidden Oasis

What’s one thing every desert should have? Yes, an oasis. Use the same idea when landscaping your yard, but take it to the next level. Add a fountain in place of a pool, and structures that will provide shade, without completely covering the yard, such as a pergola or something similar. Add cactus here and there to re-create the desert scene.

  1. Lush curb appeal

Who says you can’t have a lush garden in desert Palm Springs? It’s really all about choosing the right plants, particularly those that require less watering. There is a variety of plants with low water requirements, and a professional landscaper would know exactly which ones are heat-tolerant. To keep thirsty grass from growing, place pavers over them.

  1. Geometric patterns

This landscaping idea brings to mind a much abused cliché, “Go big or go home”, with massive pavers used, and separated by a thin stretch of green turf. It resembles a fabric pattern dominated by squares, but with very practical applications. With only a small amount of grass involved and a tree or two, water requirement is kept low. You may not even need to water the grass every day.

Another alternative would be to use large circles instead of squares, and then surround it with gravel.

  1. Low-fuss, low-maintenance backyard

If you want to keep backyard maintenance to a minimum, choose the right idea for landscaping Palm Springs. A great idea would be to pick just one corner where heat-tolerant plants will be placed, and cover the rest with a deck and patio, complete with outdoor seating. This will make it easier to water the plants, which you probably won’t do on a daily basis, and have plenty of outdoor space to relax and enjoy.

  1. Landscape features

Featuring drought-resistant plants, islands, bridges and a shaded fireplace, this landscaping idea won’t need water, but still has enough greenery and whimsical details to make it an amazing outdoor space. Add seating, and you would be tempted to spend time outdoors, even under the hot Palm Springs sun. But what really makes this a great idea is the no-water-needed appeal.

There are many other ideas for landscaping Palm Springs. Speak to a professional landscaper at eLandscaping today.


Fall Landscaping Tips You Need to Keep in Mind

Tackling landscaping tasks and tree trimming Palm Springs in autumn is a great way to prepare your garden for winter and ensure that it will look good once the snow melts the following year. You can start your fall landscaping project by taking these steps:


Trim your trees

Now is the best time to take advantage of eLandscaping’s tree trimming Palm Springs services. By giving your trees a trim, you’ll remove dead and dying branches and limbs from them and reduce the risk of property damage when snow, ice, and strong winds come in. You’ll also ensure that your trees look fantastic once spring rolls around.

Spread mulch

Mulch can help protect your plants’ roots from frost and help the soil retain moisture (which is important if you’ll have a dry winter). Around three inches of mulch should be enough for most trees and shrubs.

Add new plants

Autumn is a great time to introduce new plants to your garden. This is particularly true if you live in California since the cooler weather provides plants with plenty of moisture and helps them grow. Plan your planting activities carefully to ensure your garden looks even better next year.


These are some of the steps you should take during autumn. Spend some time on these landscaping tasks to prepare your outdoor space for winter. Also be sure to take advantage of our tree trimming Palm Springs to keep your garden looking clean all year.


tree removal, xeriscaping

Why Should You Switch to Xeriscaping If You Live in Palm Springs?

Like many Palm Springs residents, you’re most likely feeling the effects of the Californian drought, which has been going on for six years or so. These effects include water cuts and lawn restrictions, which are probably stopping you from growing your favorite plants. Maybe you’re looking into tree removal Palm Springs because your trees are beginning to be too much to maintain.

Fortunately, there are several ways we go about around this problem, and one of the best solutions is to adopt xeriscaping. This is a type of landscaping style as well as a water conservation concept that has been around for several decades but has only gained traction in the recent years because of the ongoing drought. Xeriscaping is the ideal solution if you live in Palm Springs because:


It helps you conserve water

Xeriscaping involves the use of drought-tolerant and drought-resistant plants which, contrary to popular opinion, are not limited to cacti and other succulents but also to other vegetation like lavender, juniper, agave, and even herbs like oregano and thyme. These plants don’t require much water to grow, and they can survive even when you don’t water them regularly. Through xeriscaping, you can enjoy the beauty of these plants and create a thriving garden without having to use too much water. Tree removal Palm Springs is ideal as well to help you conserve water. It may help to do some research into which tree removal service would best benefit you. Or you can contact us for a free consultation.


It helps you save money

Obviously, reducing your water consumption can lead to lower utility bills and bigger savings. But it’s so much more than that; in California, local, government authorities, and water agencies offer rebates for those who decide to have their turf removed. By taking advantage of these rebates, you can switch to xeriscaping without having to break the bank.


It’s easy to maintain

Aside from having lower water requirement, a xeriscaped garden doesn’t need a lot of mowing, weeding, and fertilizing. As a result, you can save a substantial amount of time, and you can use these extra hours on doing other household chores or just relaxing and enjoying your garden.


It stays beautiful the whole year round

Xeriscaping uses plants that can survive throughout the whole year, which means that your garden stays pretty and attractive no matter what the season. These plants usually have vivid colors and, when paired with mulch, decorative rocks and other design elements, can give your outdoor space an eye-catching look and an elegant ambiance.


It fits the local climate

There’s nothing wrong with having a lush verdant lawn, but you have to admit that it can look a bit out of place in California’s dry and arid environment. By switching to xeriscaping, you can make your garden look natural and return it to its original state. A garden that used to be the norm for centuries before people landscaped much of the Sonoran Desert.


Xeriscaping comes with several benefits and is the ideal option for Palm Springs residents. If you’re ready to create a desert-inspired garden, just get in touch with us here at eLandscaping. Aside from offering cleanups, mowing, weeding, and tree removal Palm Springs services, we specialize in desert landscaping. We look forward to assisting you in transforming your garden into an attractive xeriscaped area.

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Living in Palm Springs? Use These Water Conservation Tips for Your Landscape

Palm Springs and the entire Coachella Valley has been experiencing intense drought for the past six years or so. This has not only severely affected the city’s economy and environment but has also become a source of frustration for homeowners, who can no longer take care of their lawns and gardens as much as they’d like to. Fortunately, if you’re one of these homeowners, you can take some landscaping steps to keep your outdoor space beautiful while conserving water. These include:


Storing rainwater

California has experienced significantly reduced rainfall since 2011, averaging just 1.76 inches of precipitation per year. Despite this, you should still strive to store rainwater whenever it does rain and use this to water your plants. This way, you can reduce your dependence on your main water provider and keep your garden in good landscaping shape without increasing your utility bills.


Opting for drought-resistant plants

It’s not advisable to introduce new plants to your garden during a severe drought. But, when the drought lets up and you have the chance to replant, make sure to choose those that are tolerant to dry spells and can survive with minimal or even zero water. This way, you can create a thriving and eye-catching garden that doesn’t have to consume a ton of water.


Changing your watering and mowing habits

Instead of watering your garden in the morning, you’ll want to do this at night. Evaporation rates are much lower in the evening than in the morning, which means the water will be fully absorbed by the soil and your plants will get maximum benefit from it. When landscaping or mowing your lawn, you can leave the grass longer instead of cropping it close to the ground. The presence of higher grass helps shade the soil, protect your lawn from sunburn, and reduce your lawn’s water requirements. Landscaping Palm Springs can be much easier if you forego having a lawn and turn to xeriscaping.


Being generous with mulch

Cover your plants with a layer of mulch that’s three to four inches thick. Doing this can be greatly beneficial since the mulch protects plant roots from the heat of the sun while reducing evaporation and increasing water retention in the soil. It also discourages weeds from growing and ensures your plants won’t have any competition for moisture and nutrients. (Of course, if you see weeds growing in your garden, pull them out right away to ensure they won’t steal water away from your plants.)


Minimizing the use of turf

Large swathes of turf might look great, but remember that they require a substantial amount of time and resources to maintain. So you need to ask yourself: do you really need this amount of turf? It can be beneficial for your entertainment areas and your kids’ play spaces, but you probably don’t need it anywhere else. Replace the non-important turf with a deck, patio, pathways, or even simple mulch to keep your garden looking great while reducing the amount of water needed to maintain it.


Use these water conservation tips to minimize your water consumption while ensuring your outdoor space stays attractive. If you need help with landscaping Palm Springs, don’t hesitate to contact us here at eLandscaping. We specialize in creating beautiful and eye-catching gardens and have expertise in working around Palm Spring’s hot climate and current drought situation.

tree removal, xeriscaping

Turn a Desert into a Vibrant Garden from eLandscaping

Think there’s no hope for desert landscaping Palm Springs?

You’d be surprised to know that, even when there’s nothing more than sand, gravel and rocks in your yard, it can be transformed into a beautiful garden, full of plants and teeming with life. Yes, this is possible with the services of eLandscaping. The company specializes in desert landscaping Palm Springs, from design right through to maintenance.

eLandscaping has full knowledge of:

  • The type of plants that will thrive in a desert setting
  • Paving materials
  • Identifying the best type of irrigation system
  • Setting up the frequency with which to water the plants, and whether they need water at all.

Desert landscaping Palm Springs also involves deciding whether to grow plants in beds or containers, to use synthetic or natural grass, find ways to cut energy consumption with regard to garden maintenance, and determine the type of outdoor furniture that can be used, and its proper placement.

With the right skills, knowledge and tools, a barren and arid lawn will become a lush desert garden that will improve the overall aesthetics of your property and make it attractive. Speak with an expert today. Consult with eLandscaping about desert landscaping Palm Springs for your home.



Fall Tips for Landscaping in Palm Springs

The fall season is one of those times when the world is in such bright colors that even blown leaves are seen as a wonderful addition to your already leaf-covered lawn. But with all the work that comes with lawn maintenance and clearing, you may unintentionally forget that you need to do more to ensure your garden stays healthy next spring. This is where extensive landscaping in Palm Springs come into play.


Landscaping tips for the fall season

  • Don’t wait until the next season to start pulling weeds. The earlier you start, the less weeds you’ll have to deal with come spring.
  • Remove leaves before they pile up and cause damage to the turf. Dead grass, and other organic debris release soluble forms of nitrates and phosphate, which can end up in surface water. When this happens water quality may be compromised.
  • Give your garden the TLC it needs. Landscaping in Palm Springs during the fall is the perfect time to fertilize the grass, and plant seeds on bare and dead spots. Grass is best fertilized when the season is cooler, and seeds have more time to grow before the warmer season sets in.
  • Prevent winter lawn disease. All throughout the fall season, you must keep the grass’ height of 2 to 2 1/2 inches. If it grows any longer than this, it will mat and could result in snow mold and other winter lawn diseases. If you cut it too short, however, it will be unable to store food for growth during the spring, making it easier for weeds to overpower them.
  • Water trees and shrubs thoroughly and deeply to keep them hydrated. Make sure you do this just before turning the outside water off and after the trees’ leaves drop.

If you have perennials in your garden, it is also highly recommended that you cut them back close to the ground. And just before the winter starts to freeze pipes, make sure you shut off your lawn’s automatic irrigation system. The last thing you want is for pipes to burst due to frozen water within.

Hire a Landscaping Service you can Trust!

These are just some of the few things you need to do to prepare your landscaped lawn or garden for the fall and right through to winter and spring. Think you have the time and energy to do all these?

You should delegate. Hire eLandscaping to carry out garden and lawn maintenance on your behalf. They have the tools and the skills needed to ensure your garden will stay in good condition all year round.

The company offers a range of services, from garden cleaning to landscaping in Palm Springs. Their garden maintenance work includes tree trimming, mowing, edging solutions, raking or blowing leaves, trimming dirt, and removing dirt and weeds from your driveway, patio, walkway and the rest of your garden.

With their help, you don’t need to lift a finger  working on your garden day in and day out. You don’t need to subject yourself to possible hazards either, especially with regard to trimming trees.


Best Tree Trimming Service in Palm Springs

Having a landscaped lawn or garden comes with responsibilities. It’s not going to take care of itself. If you want to maintain its beauty and aesthetics, you need regular maintenance and care. One thing that should be done on a regular basis is tree trimming.

Many may only remember trimming trees when the wind blows hard, or when there’s a storm brewing. The reality, however, is that it should be done on a regular basis. Doing so will keep the trees healthy, maintain the overall look of your garden, and ensure the safety of your property and your family. Imagine the damage a large branch can do to your home if it’s neglected.

Tree trimming, however, should be carried out by professionals, a team of arborists who know what they are doing. You can rely on eLandscaping to provide you with a reliable and high quality service.

Why eLandscaping offers the best tree trimming in Palm Springs

Tree trimming expertise you can rely on

How hard is it to trim a tree? This may seem easy work at first glance, but it is nothing like pruning or cutting shrubs and hedges. It requires skills and modern equipment to get things done quickly and easily. Most importantly, it requires years of experience to get things done properly. Only professionals know which way a tree should fall, and how to cut it accordingly. Not all trees are created equal, and should be treated differently each time. Without the proper knowledge and skills, trimming trees can be a disaster.

Flexible range of services

eLandscaping not only offers the best tree trimming service in Palm Springs, but also a range of services that you’re going to need to keep your lawn in great and beautiful condition.

  • Landscape design

Whether you want to improve the look of your lawn, or spice up the old one, eLandscaping provides landscape design solutions that will turn a drab and dull-looking home exterior into a paradise. It doesn’t even matter if you have gravel or clay for soil, the company can do wonders with your property.

  • Tree maintenance

Trees on your property need some TLC. They may appear tall and strong, but they can get sick or experience damage following a storm or other disaster. It is important to rehabilitate them so they don’t end up dead or a liability. Aside from tree trimming in Palm Springs, eLandscaping also handles tree maintenance.

  • Garden maintenance

If you already have a landscape garden, the company also handles maintenance. That is, they take the hassle out of keeping your garden in tip-top shape. They provide trimming, mowing and edging solutions. Their services also extend to removing weeds, and clearing walkways, driveway and patio of dirt and dead leaves.

In addition to tree trimming in Palm Springs, eLandscaping also offers garden cleaning, sprinkler system installation, and tree removal. All these services are available, and we offer you a free quote. If you are interested, especially with tree trimming services, you can get a quote with no obligation. This will help you make an informed decision, as to which service you want to hire. Suffice to say that eLandscaping offers you a great deal, long before any deal is brought to the table.


Why eLandscaping is the Best Landscaping Company in Palm Springs

There are lots of companies that offer landscaping in Palm Springs, so why should you entrust your garden to eLandscaping? Well, there are several reasons for this listed below:


We’re skillful and knowledgeable

If you’ve watched the video, you probably learned a few new things about creating a drought-proof garden. The good news is that you don’t have to use these strategies on your own! eLandscaping is highly knowledgeable about creating a desert landscape, and they’ll incorporate the tips discussed in the video (along with other techniques) to turn your yard into a beautiful and drought-tolerant garden.

We offer a wide range of services

eLandscaping doesn’t just offer landscaping solutions since they also provide other garden-related services. They can mow your lawn, trim your trees, remove unwanted or rotten trees, and install a garden sprinkler system. You can consider them a one-stop shop for all your garden needs!

They have reasonable prices

Many homeowners think that landscaping and maintaining their garden is expensive. This just isn’t the case when you hire eLandscaping! They offer reasonable rates that can easily fit into almost all kinds of budgets, and they provide high-quality services to give you great value for your money.


These are just some of the reasons why eLandscaping is the best landscaping company in Palm Springs! Give us a call now or go to our website to find out more about our services.