
Why eLandscaping is the Best Landscaping Company in Palm Springs

There are lots of companies that offer landscaping in Palm Springs, so why should you entrust your garden to eLandscaping? Well, there are several reasons for this listed below:


We’re skillful and knowledgeable

If you’ve watched the video, you probably learned a few new things about creating a drought-proof garden. The good news is that you don’t have to use these strategies on your own! eLandscaping is highly knowledgeable about creating a desert landscape, and they’ll incorporate the tips discussed in the video (along with other techniques) to turn your yard into a beautiful and drought-tolerant garden.

We offer a wide range of services

eLandscaping doesn’t just offer landscaping solutions since they also provide other garden-related services. They can mow your lawn, trim your trees, remove unwanted or rotten trees, and install a garden sprinkler system. You can consider them a one-stop shop for all your garden needs!

They have reasonable prices

Many homeowners think that landscaping and maintaining their garden is expensive. This just isn’t the case when you hire eLandscaping! They offer reasonable rates that can easily fit into almost all kinds of budgets, and they provide high-quality services to give you great value for your money.


These are just some of the reasons why eLandscaping is the best landscaping company in Palm Springs! Give us a call now or go to our website to find out more about our services.



What You Should Know Before Getting Tree Trimming Services

Many people take one look at a certain tree in their garden, decide they no longer want it, then research tree trimming services ASAP. But, if you’re one of these homeowners, don’t dial that number just yet! Before doing anything else, read this guide to know if you should get tree trimming or have that tree entirely removed and what you should expect when hiring tree removers.


The Who’s Who of Trees

We can’t decide for you if you should have a tree removed or not, but we want you to make informed decisions and avoid regret. Trees can’t be glued back on once they’re cut, so you have to be 100 percent sure that you don’t like them anymore (except for diseased/rotten trees, which should be removed ASAP).

Trees that work best in traditional gardens

Spartan eating apple, Himalayan birch, mountain ash, and weeping pear are great additions to gardens — yes, even tiny ones. If you have any one of these trees, consider incorporating it into a new landscape design instead of rashly ending its life.

Trees that are great for xeriscape gardens

If you’re planning to have a desert landscaped garden, you’ll need to invest in drought-proof trees such as white thorn acacia, anacacho orchid tree, Mexican bird of paradise, and palo brea. If these trees are in your garden, leave them be since they can be incorporated in your xeriscape yard later on.

Trees that need lots of water

Do you have any green ash, plane tree, swamp cottonwood, or sweetbay magnolia in your garden? If you do you’ll want to remove these trees since they’re wet soil trees and won’t survive without much water. For the right xeriscape garden you’ll want to avoid trees that require a ton of watering.


What to Expect from a Tree Removal Company

Once you decide to have a tree removed, you’ll need to hire a tree removal company. But don’t hire just any business; to ensure you’ll get your money’s worth, you’ll need to check if they have:

  • Liability insurance and worker’s compensation insurance. The former ensures that the company will shoulder the expenses if they damage your property during the tree removal process. The latter protects you from lawsuits and sky-high expenses if company employees get injured on your property.
  • Sufficient and up-to-date training. Tree removal isn’t a walk in the park; it involves specialized machinery and processes that only professionals like us can properly handle.
  • Free estimates. The company should guarantee that the estimate is exact won’t charge you additional fees after the job is complete.


These are just some of the things you must keep in mind before getting tree removal services. If you’re ready to have your unwanted trees removed, get in touch with us here at eLandscaping. We offer tree removal services in Palm Springs and can tackle the entire removal process, leaving your garden looking clean. We also provide tree trimming in Palm Springs, so we can get trees under control and make them horticultural wonders.

landscaping Palm Springs

Desert Landscaping Palm Springs with eLandscaping

When people think of landscaping, they usually imagine lush, verdant gardens with colorful blooms, handsome water features, and tall stately trees. This isn’t really surprising since gardens are usually green and vibrant but, if you’re a homeowner, take note that these aren’t your only options! If you’re looking for something different, you can also try xeriscaping or desert landscaping.


Why Should You Opt for a Desert Landscape?

Building a desert-like environment outside your house may make you raise your eyebrows, but it’s actually a good idea! Desert landscaping is a great option for many homeowners because:


  1. It’s environmentally friendly

Many areas in the United States are experiencing severe to extreme drought, while California (especially the Palm Springs area) is in a class all by itself with the exceptional drought it’s going through. If you live in California or any other area with water shortage, you’ll want to have a garden that needs very little water and can help reduce your home’s water consumption. Xeriscaping, which uses drought-tolerant plants, is the answer.


  1. It’s low-maintenance

When you have a xeriscape garden, you won’t need to water, prune, or weed your plants regularly. This is a huge plus particularly if you don’t have a green thumb or if you’re always busy with work and don’t have lots of time to garden. With desert landscaping, your garden will stay pretty even when you don’t do much maintenance.


  1. It’s unique

How many people do you know who have xeriscape gardens? Probably only a couple of your friends, or maybe even none. This is one of the best things about desert landscaping: not everyone has switched to it yet so, when you have your garden xeriscape, you know that it will be unique and extraordinary.


Desert Landscaping Techniques You Should Know

Once you decide on desert landscaping, it’s time to start planning for it. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Create a design

The success of any landscaped garden doesn’t depend on cost; rather, it depends on the design you implement. Make a desert landscape design that complements your house and other existing structures and makes the most of your property’s natural terrain.

Choose your plants

People always think of cacti in xeriscapes, but remember that they’re not the only plants you can choose from! There are many other shrubs, trees, succulents, and flowering plants that are drought-proof, so explore these options and choose those that best fit your garden.

Prepare your soil

Xeriscape plants don’t need much water, but they do need nutrients to grow. So, before doing anything else, add compost, mulched leaves, and other materials to your garden’s soil to increase its nutrient content and make it conducive to plant growth.


Sounds difficult? Don’t worry since you don’t have to tackle everything on your own! Get in touch with us here at eLandscaping and take advantage of our desert landscaping Palm Springs services. We can turn lifeless plots of land into gorgeous xeriscape gardens and can assist you in transforming your yard!