Why Should You Opt for a Desert Landscape in Your Home?
When people think of landscaping, they immediately think of flowering shrubs, verdant bushes, large trees, and well-manicured lawns. This isn’t really surprising since landscaped gardens are traditionally lush, green, and brimming with life. But, if you feel the same way, take note that these aren’t the only options available. If you want your yard to be professionally landscaped, you might want to look into desert landscaping.
Desert landscaping (which is also called xeriscaping or dry landscaping) refers to the use of drought-resistant plants to make a garden attractive. Combining “desert” and “landscaping” might seem like an oxymoron but, if you take a closer look at Palm Springs, California, you’ll see that it actually works! Palm Springs’ gorgeous and eye-catching desert environment — which features hardy plants like palm trees and cacti — is one of the reasons why tourists flock to it every year, and you can apply the same principle to your garden.
Some of the plants that you can include in your desert landscape include hardy shrubs like flannelbrush, purple sage, and California tree mallow as well as drought-resistant flowering shrubs like blue hibiscus, Indian hawthorne, and Cape honeysuckle. These plants don’t require a lot of water, which means they’re eco-friendly and can help you conserve limited resources. They also ensure that your garden stays attractive even during dry spells.
If you’re ready to incorporate xeriscaping into your garden, contact us here at eLandscaping. We offer desert landscaping in Palm Springs and can turn your yard into a desert wonderland.